Παρακάτω, μπορείτε να βρείτε μια λίστα με Χρήσιμα links (υπερσυνδέσεις):

• greekjustice.gr (Legal Directory)
• dsa.gr (Athens Bar Association)
• areiospagos.gr (Hellenic Supreme Court of Civil & Penal Law)
• efeteioathinon.gr (Civil & Penal Court of Appeal of Athens)
• protodikeio-ath.gr (Civil & Penal Court of First Instanceof Athens)
• ste.gr (The Council of State of Greece)
• defeteio-ath.gr (Administrative Court of Appeal of Athens)
• dprotodikeio-ath.gr (Administrative Court of First Instance of Athens)
• europa.eu (European Union)
• curia.eu.int (Court of Justice of the European Union)
• eur-lex.europa.eu (Eur-Lex: Access to EU Law)
• curia.europa.eu (Infocuria – Case-law of the Court of Justice)
• euria.eu.int (European Court of Justice)
• echr.coe.int/echr (European Court of Human Rights)
• ccbe.eu (Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe)
• et.gr (National Printing Plant)
• ktimatologio.gr (Real Estate Registry)
• acci.gr (Athens Chambers of Commerce & Industry) ICC
• icwbo.org (International Chamber of Commerce)
• epant.gr (Hellenic Competition Commission)
• gge.gr (General Secretary of Commerce)
• opengov.gr (Open Government)
• gsis.gr (General Secretariat of Informational Technology Systems)
• dpa.gr (Hellenic Data Protection Authority)
• tee.gr (Technical Chamber of Greece)
• hba.gr (Hellenic Bank Association)
• hcmc.gr (Hellenic Capital Market Commission)
• ase.gr (Athens Exchange)
• Europa.eu.int/eur.lex (European Union/Legislation-Case Law)